Saturday, July 2, 2011

perspective's been long long time i haven't looked up this blog.
thanks to those who always support me.
ok..let's start.

ok today entry i want to talk about 'perspective'
do i spell it right?oh whatever it is.i think you guys can guess right?

since i enter university,i awared that lot of people have different perspective in their life.why is that so?i simply said because we had different background and had different objective.

and most of lecturer told me that student here--malaysia and in oversea are different.
and i asked.what is it?and why?
he said that in oversea the students were brave enough to give their opinion.In contrast-- malaysia.which here,the student were try to avoid as much as they can when been asked to give opinion.why is that so?
do u aware of this?i think yes.
you know why is this happening?
because of the perspective.

in malaysia i think some of student,when they try to involved in publich speech or whatever they will say..'eee..mencapap la tu...
or some of the lecturer will say.."awak salah..and bla2" with serious fierce face.
that's why we malaysia's student is too afraid when been asked to give opinion.
they are too afraid of what other think of them.
i would say,afraid of others perspective.
u know what happen if they has been labelled mencapap or..whatever so on?
their friend might avoid them.saying that he/she is pelik...(weird)

malaysia student( ok not all of them) are very hard to accept people are different from them.
when some is better than the other one, they will no one will be above from them.
what the heck..seriously i want this to be stopped.if not,we are a republic.all must be the same..bla bla and bla..even there is someone put lot of effort than the other one.
open your mind and try to accept the differences.

please not just condemn.why are you guys like to judged people but not try to understand each other?
in their back,you talk bad about real men..
geez..please change your perspective...they way you matured.and have a good behaviour.i mean.always think positive and be please be brave when learning.stop the stereotype things..especially talk bad stuff..that is like common things nowdays among students...
ok wake up real.

if no one brave enough to change this chain,so who will?the new generation?nah..wait in vain je lahh...
ok.that all from me.salam.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bulan baru, hati baru?jiwa baru?

assalamualaikum pembuka bicara madah penulisan di Moments That Exist
thanks to encik F kerana melantik aku jadi salah sorang pemerapu dalam blog ni..

ok, untuk penulisan pertama, saja la nak cakap2 kosong..sebab hari ni pon da masuk 1 Mac 2011 kan..hari ni genapla 2 bulan 1 hari tirai 2011 meninggalkan kita...sepanjang permulaan ni, byk dugaan sana sini situ berlaku pd kita semua kan?aku yakin tu..bohongla kalau cakap lgsg xde..hee...anyway, xkn nk biarkan benda tu trus brterusan kn?so mudah2an baki lagi 10 bulan ni dpt dimanfaatkan dengan sbaiknya..sebelum disia-siakan tnpa usaha begitu saja..

aku ni sebenarnya bukanla blogger tegar cam kawan2 yang lain..aku tgk hari2 pon rajin update..kdg2 sehari 2 3 4 5 6 post..x terkira aku xpe..asalkan korang bahagia dgn cara korang...maka aku suka andai dapat merapu kat sini kadang2...'xde la bersawang blog aku kalo ada geng' ucap encik owner kpdku..aku hrp kita sama2 dpt manfaatkan peluang ni untuk sama2 berkongsi penulisan disamping merewangkan diri, menggelongkan diri, lagi apa lagi ye istilah yg sesuai...dan mcm2 la sng..ahaha...(boleh jalinkan ukhwah yg sedia trbina jgk)..thanks anyway...kalo nak cari aku, leh la try2 usha blog yg penuh rapuan aku ni..hahaha...insyaAllah aku akn tutup kalau aku rasa blog tu byk mnyusahkan aku...jemput melawat semua...jgn belek..tgk je boleh :DDD

rasanya stkt tu je la coretan pertama yg tulus lahir dr hati aku yg suci ni...hahaha...ok, letak pen dalam kotak pensil, ready2 untuk rehatkan minda..zzzzzzzzzzz...kruhhh...TATAA!

p/s tolong jgn buli aku =DDDDDD